Health Ministries 2017
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Vitamin D

Vitamin D      - What you Need to Know

 Article by Health Ministries Leader Racquel Murray 




 Who is at risk of vitamin D deficiency

[1]People over 65 years old because their skin is not as good at making vitamin D

[2] People with darker skin tone – that is people of Asian, African, Afro-Caribbean and middle Eastern decent – living in the U.K. Or other northern climates.

[3] Anyone who spends little time outdoors –house bound, shop or office workers, night shift workers

[4]Babies and young children who spend little time 

Playing outside.

[5] Pregnant women and breastfeeding women

Which foods contain vitamin D?

Sunshine, not food, is where most of your vitamin D comes from.  So even a healthy well-balanced diet, that provides all the other vitamins and goodness you need, is unlikely to provide enough vitamin D.


Non vegetarians




Egg yoke

Orange juice



Fortified soya milk/ yoghurt


Fortified breakfast cereal

Fortified Almond milk



Fortified coconut milk


Fortified infant formula

 Fortified Tofu



Cereals fortified with vitamin D

Cod liver oil



Fortified yoghurts







What is Vitamin D and why do I need it

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin ( stored in fat and is also a hormone. It's is beneficial in helping the body to absorb calcium, which is beneficial for strong bones and teeth. 

 Consequences of vitamin D deficiency


Low levels of vitamin D can cause osteoporosis ( thinning of bone, osteopenia ( reduce bone mass),  and osteomalacia ( softening of bones).


Babies born with low levels of vitamin D  and those who do not get enough from breast milk could developed Rickets. Older children who do not get enough vitamin D can also develops rickets.  Rickets or “bow leg” can cause permanent deformities to the bone,, weaken muscles and reduced growth.  Low levels of vitamin D may put men at increased risk of colorectal cancer and women at increased risk of developing breast cancer.



 The vegan diet contains little, if any, vitamin D without fortified foods or supplements. Most people get some of the vitamin D intake through sun exposure, but this depends upon season, time of day, length of day, a cloud covering, smoke, skin colour, and sunscreen use.  It’s important to note that many supplements with vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) are of animal origin; vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is produced from yeast and is acceptable to vegans. 









